Our Adult Choir Ministry is a wonderful group of parishioners who sing, pray and enjoy working together as they support the singing of the worshipping assembly, while sharing their special musical gifts with our community. They rehearse in mid - September on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 8:30pm in church, and sing at most of the 9:45am Masses, beginning in October and concluding on the Feast of Pentecost, at the end of the Easter Season, with adjournment until Fall. On Sunday morning, the choir gathers at 9:15am for warmups and additional rehearsal. It is understood that not all choir members are able to attend every scheduled Mass throughout the year, based on family obligations.
In addition, our Adult Choir sings for Obligatory Holy Day 7pm Masses, 9am Thanksgiving Day Mass, 10pm Christmas Eve Mass, and the principal liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. New members need to contact the Director of Liturgy and Music before joining the Adult Choir.
If one is not able to commit to singing throughout the choir year, they may attend specific rehearsals to sing for the 10pm Christmas Eve Mass or the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
We celebrate our accomplishments by having two parties during the year, before Christmas and at the end of the Easter Season. The Adult Choir is open to parishioners in High School through Adulthood.
Interested parishioners should contact the Director of Liturgy and Music about membership in the Adult Choir.