Being a missionary disciple doesn’t always require you to travel to distant lands, leaving everything behind to assist others. More often, it involves leading a Bible study group or praying the Rosary after Mass. It is about discerning your personal calling. God invites each of us to participate in His salvific plan for humanity; it’s not that He cannot accomplish it alone, but He desires for us to share in this immense grace with Him.
It is truly a privilege to be active participants in His plan. He places His trust in us despite our shortcomings. As the apostle wrote, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor, 12:19). He reveals His strength through our willingness to serve Him, even in our moments of vulnerability. We are all in this together.
So, I invite you to discern and explore the many ways you can give your "Yes" to God, and become a Christ, Prince of Peace missionary.
Know that I am praying for you, always!
Fernanda Thurmond Director of Communications and Evangelization - Ask me about Spiritual Direction!